Monday, July 5, 2010

Jamestown Fireworks Display

On a whim, myself, my daughter and two of my friends went to the Jamestown Fireworks display on Saturday. We arrived before sunset and parked over by Fort Getty Road. After walking up and down Mackerel Cove Beach to stalk out the perfect spot, we ended up sitting in the middle of the road by the Fort Getty sign. The first thing I would seriously recommend is bug spray. We got completely eaten. I am still scratching my bites two days later. The first few explosions of colour filled the sky and we realized we had picked the perfect spot. They were shot off right over our heads. As the show continued, I remembered that I am deathly afraid of fireworks and had to keep my ears plugged the majority of the time. The show lasted about a half an hour to forty five minutes and was beautiful. The only downfall we had besides the mosquitoes were the fact we had to wait a good half an hour before we could move my truck due to the traffic. Apparently they close the whole island for an hour where nobody can drive on or off of it. All in all it was a really nice night and I know I will be back next year.